Board of Directors
The Board of Directors plays a critical role by jointly overseeing the activities of the company. Some of these roles and activities include: establishing a corporate governance system; selection, appointment, support, and evaluation of the Managing Director and key members of management; approving annual budgets; ensuring financial success and stability; protecting investors, consumers, and the public interest; assessing the overall direction and strategy of the business. In view of the important role played by the board, TiB prioritizes the appointment of suitably qualified (fit and proper persons) to serve as Directors.
- Benson Gasura - MSC Strategic Management - (CUT), - Chairman MBA - (MSU)
- Russell Edward Smith - ACII, AIISA - Non-Executive Director
- Dzikamai A. Machingura - LLB (Hons), MScIR (UZ) - Non-Executive Director
- Charles Mulele - AIISA, ACII - Managing Director
The TiB Board, acting in the interests of its shareholders, customers, regulators, and the general public supervises and advises the Management and Executive Team in performing its tasks and setting the direction of the business, which includes (i) achievement of company objectives, (ii) corporate strategy (iii) structure and operation of internal risk management and control systems, (iv) financial reporting systems and processes,(v) compliance with legislation and regulatory requirements, and (vi) social responsibility. Major management decisions and TiB business strategy are discussed with and approved by the Board of Directors.