Insure Today !


TiB management and staff are always on hand to assist you with your requirements. We welcome you to contact us.

  • Motor Policies

    Motor Policies

    This insurance covers various types of private and commercial vehicles which are used for social, domestic, personal, business and commercial purposes.

  • Home Policies

    Home Policies

    covers your buildings, fixtures and fittings, household goods, personal effects against damage caused by theft, fire, lightning, explosions etc.

  • Fire & Allied Perils

    Fire & Allied Perils

    These are combined policies that are designed to cover businesses with high-value insurable assets. It covers Fire and Allied Perils, Theft, Money, etc.

  • Engineering Insurance

    Engineering Insurance

    This covers Plant, Contractors, Machinery Breakdown, Loss of Profits and Computers, etc.

  • Marine Insurance

    Marine Insurance

    This form of insurance covers losses whilst goods are being conveyed. Types of insurance include are open marine, marine hull, goods in transit, etc.

  • Miscellaneous & Accident

    Miscellaneous & Accident

    This type of insurance incorporates several classes which include Business All Risks, Personal All Risks, etc.

  • Life Insurance

    Life Insurance

    These policies cover individuals against the loss of income arising from critical illness, disablement, or death and the policies are Group Life Assurance, etc. 

  • Claims Consultancy

    Claims Consultancy

    Is a division that specializes in claims settlement and aims to give clients who do not insure through TiB, etc.

Broking Services

Our primary responsibility as Brokers and Intermediaries is to represent the interests of our clients. This is distinctly different from that of an ‘Insurance Agent’ who acts as a representative of the Insurance Company.

Know more about what we can do for you. 

Product Range

TiB provides Insurance Broking and Advisory Services to Clients across a broad range of sectors including inter-alia Manufacturing & Construction, Trading, Farming & Agriculture, Financial Services, Academia, Government and Quasi Government institutions.

Call us & set an appointment

Harare Office: (+263) 4 748 294 - 6 
Bulawayo Office: (+263) 9 757 89 / 72606
TiB management and staff are always on hand to assist you. 

Connect with others who have been there. Join the TiB Insurance Brokers online insurance community.

Get your Insurance Quote by simply filling in the form below:

TiB management and staff are always on hand to assist you with your requirements.

Company Name:
Contact Number:*
What are you insuring ?:*
Asset Value Sum in USD$:

Please confirm if what you have written is correct before sending.

Word Verification:

Entrust your assets into our Strength

Working together to ensure your assets

Our professional and personalized Broking services have enabled us to win the confidence of different sectors including Financial Services, Manufacturers, Government, and Quasi-Government Institutions, NGOs, and Communications.



Conduct Professional Insurance Broking Business Transactions Providing a Top Class Service To Private Individuals, Corporate Entities, Government, Quasi-Government & Parastatal Organisations.

Management Team

Management Team

We trust our leadership team with full autonomy and enable them to do what is best for our Clients and Shareholders.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors plays a critical role by jointly overseeing the activities of the company.

Payment Options



Harare Office

Ericom Communication Complex

1 Boshoff Drive

Bulawayo Office

Third Floor - Charter House

Cnr. Fort Street / Leopold Takawira Avenue
P. O. Box 546

Licensed by (IPEC) and a Member of (IBAZ)


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